Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Northwest Media Action Fund is on the web!

Greetings, friends of independent media! If you're looking to change the world through changing the media, you've come to the right place. We are looking for producers of independent media, owners of quality equipment, friendly local businesses, and community activists of all kinds to join us in this effort.

What are we doing now? We are planning an Independent Media Conference scheduled tentatively for the first full week in September.

Can you help us? Do you know someone who wants to make independent media but has no connections? Send them our way? Maybe you know someone who's story isn't getting out because the big corporate media giants don't care, or aren't interested in threatening their cozy relationship with their advertisers. This Conference is the opportunity for folks to come from miles around to discuss why we need a robust and responsive alternative to corporate media, and what we're going to do to make it happen.

We are actively searching for individuals in the field of independent media who would like to run workshops or give speeches on the need for this important community resource. If you know anyone who would like to be involved, have them call me, Jeff Richardson, at 253-227-6884 or email me at

Also, if you belong to an organization that feels that the media hasn't adequately supported their efforts, perhaps they would like to help build an organization committed to changing the media to support we the people of the United States. We need contacts in the community who want to help build alternative media, and who are ready to roll up their sleeves and do the work it will take to get there.

Thank you for your interest and everything you do to help your community. Together, we can make a difference!

Categories: Announcements


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