Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sponsorship Contract

Contract to support the Northwest Media Action Fund

By signing this contract, I am pledging my support for the Progressive Roundtable (PRT), the Northwest Media Action Fund (NMAF), and/or the Tahoma Progressive Media Conference, to be held on Saturday, October 7th of this year.

A representative of our company or organization will attend the event and operate a table, with the option of selling items to be determined in consultation with the event's organizing committee.

I have chosen to donate in accordance with one of the following funding options:

Option 1: Direct Contribution of _______________ amount, payable to the Progressive Roundtable, referencing the TPMC in the subject line of the check.

Option 2: Sponsoring a table at the event at a price of $50.00 ($25 for non-profit), also payable to the PRT.

Option 3: We choose to join the NMAF at a yearly price of $100, to be renewed annually as desired. (Community organizations may join the fund at the $100, $250, or $500/year level) This will give us free tabling at one NMAF-sponsored event per year, to be exercised at our discretion. This will also give us access to all the benefits of membership in the Fund, which are enumerated in the Fund's Official Constitution, and include, but are not limited to, listing in all official lists of sponsors and event programs, advertising and promotion, and networking assistance with our members.

In-kind donations (equipment, volunteers, art supplies, food, etc.) are also graciously accepted. List everything you're donating and we will give you a receipt, and our gratitude!

Sign _____________________________________
Print _____________________________________
Date _____________________________________

You may also donate individually, at a Sustaining Member price of $25/year. All of our individual and organizational members will be honored in a yearly event and their names listed on our website (unless they opt to be anonymous)

A $5/year membership is also available, which allows you access to our meetings and our newsletter, but won't give you access to certain advanced features for Sustaining Members.

Individual Donors may contribute up to $1000/year, but may not receive any quid pro quo benefits or special access to our strategic partners and member media. 10% of all individual donations (above the Sustaining Member contribution) will be donated to similar organizations in the developing world.

You may also choose to allocate your individual donations to specific parts of the Fund, such as the Progressive Roundtable, particular events, different media properties, etc.)

Northwest Media Action Fund

Categories: Getting Sponsors


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